Think of it like a mobile-friendly table of contents for your online assets. Your business name, logo, and key links to your web presence and social media, in a teeny tiny business-card-cum-landing-page. You can zhuzh it up a bit with a compact calendar or live Instagram feed.
What’s the point? Do you need one? Again, think of it like a table of contents. A book doesn’t need one, but it sure makes it easier to navigate all the information in the book! We’ll use my digital presence as an example.
The Book:
The Table of contents:

It's only going to help your online interactions
You can set up a bio site one of three ways:
1. Through a service that specializes in them, like Bio Sites from SquareSpace. Pssst – it’s free and easy!!
2. As a hidden page on your website. Create a page in the pared-down mobile-friendly bio site style, publish it but don’t display a link to the page on your navigation bar, use the page address as your bio site. Here’s one I did recently for a client:
3. Some services offer a bio site as part of their package. You’ll have to check whether this is offered as part of any of the online services - email managers, payment tools, platforms, etc - that you use.
then what do you do with it?
This whole bio site trend originated from the “link in bio” caption. It used to be that you might put a link to your website or a social media page in your bio or profile. Now, you link to a page that links to all your pages. You can use your bio site link anywhere you’re limited for digital real estate, like in your Instagram bio, as part of your email signature, on your LinkedIn page, or at the bottom of a post or blog.
The bottom line
They aren’t generally meant to be overflowing with content and features, so keep it minimal, and focus on your most valuable business assets.